Fertinagro Biotech subsidiary completes three years as carbon neutral

9 de May de 2023


For the third consecutive year, Fertinagro Organia, a subsidiary of the Spanish group Fertinagro Biotech, which specializes in the development of organic and ecological fertilizers, is carbon neutral by offsetting its total emissions.

The company, which recorded emissions of around 973 tons of carbon, offset them through the ECODES CeroCO2 program. This is part of the Voluntary Carbon Market and most are developed through initiatives in developing countries, with the dual objective of combating climate change and poverty. All are verified by different standards, Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Plan Vivo, ISO 14064:2, etc., to guarantee that the carbon credits they generate are real and measurable.

The project that Fertinagro Organia has chosen this third year to compensate is that of a set of small and micro hydroelectric plants, -installed capacity of 0.5 to 15 MW each-, which allows rural and mountainous areas of southwestern China to produce emission-free energy.


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Biologicals Latam is a quarterly digital magazine of Redagrícola that informs in a specialized way about the intense activity that is being developed in the area of bioinputs for agricultural production. This publication is a complement to the Online Course of Biostimulants and Biocontrol and the Congress that this media group organizes around the subject.