Idai Nature obtains certificate for biodynamic fungicide

19 de April de 2023


The Spanish firm Idai Nature obtained the certificate so that its Porento fungicide can be used in biodynamic agriculture. The phytosanitary product is a biocontrol of natural origin, from a new generation strain of Bacillus subtilis.

In this way, Portento complements the Vital Biodynamics line which, with its launch last year, made Idai Nature one of the pioneers in incorporating a specific line exclusively for biodynamic agriculture, responding to the requirements of society that demands food cultivated in the most natural way possible.

Idai Nature is a Valencian biotechnology company founded in 2009 by Carlos Ledó that specializes in the development and manufacture of products based on microorganisms and botanical extracts with a biofungicide, biobactericide and/or bioinsecticide character. It belongs to the iberic Grupo Rovensa.


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Biologicals Latam is a quarterly digital magazine of Redagrícola that informs in a specialized way about the intense activity that is being developed in the area of bioinputs for agricultural production. This publication is a complement to the Online Course of Biostimulants and Biocontrol and the Congress that this media group organizes around the subject.