A research by the state entity Bndes Agro, in Brazil, concludes that bio-inputs are present in about 10 million hectares applied to biological control of pests and in at least 40 million hectares that are cultivated with bacteria that promote plant growth. All this is reflected in annual savings of about US$30 million in Brazil with the application of biological control products, and US$13 billion with the use of inoculants, only in soybean crops.
Investigadores descubren en Trichoderma un aliado contra Neopestalotiopsis en fresas
En el Bajío de Guanajuato, se estudian alternativas ecológicas como las cepas de Trichoderma sp. y fungicidas autorizados en México para combatir el hongo Neopestalotiopsis sp. El hongo amenaza el cultivo de fresa (Fragaria x ananasa) con pérdidas superiores al 70 %....