Syngenta launches solution to protect crops against all types of stresses

9 de May de 2023


Quantis is the name of a new product launched by the Swiss agricultural input company Syngenta. Based on yeast fermentation, it has a dual function: on the one hand, it is a source of secondary metabolites with a protective biostimulant action against abiotic stress; and, on the other hand, it is a prebiotic that activates the plant's defensive systems due to the presence of chemically recognized substances.

The company explains that this dual mode of action is essential to combat all types of stress suffered by crops, whether cold, heat, drought, water salinity, etc., or oxidative and osmotic stress, or even possible cell damage and growth problems. In these cases, plants lose their vitality and growth capacity, the mechanisms for their own protection against diseases fail and, in short, their productive potential declines.

Con Quantis se logra activar y regular el buen funcionamiento de los genes implicados en la protección contra el estrés de las plantas. Así, por un lado se activan los genes que manejan procesos vitales como la osmoprotección, la detoxificación y la fotosíntesis; y, por otro, se potencia la producción de metabolitos para para la protección de nucleótidos y proteínas, la protección de las membranas celulares y la aparición de antioxidantes y osmoprotectores para bloquear la respuesta al estrés. “En consecuencia, conseguimos el mantenimiento de la capacidad fotosintética; la estabilización de membranas celulares y la reducción de la temperatura del vegetal, retrasando la senescencia”, explican en un comunicado.

The natural shield that Quantis offers against crop stress and its prebiotic effects have a clear effect on the improvement of plant health and growth and on the final results of the harvest. Thus, in trials conducted by Syngenta in various crops, such as corn, it has been seen that the application of Quantis achieves a greener crop, with better grain quality and higher yields in drought conditions, clearly reducing water stress. Also in wheat, it increases yield, delays senescence and increases grain filling time.


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Biologicals Latam is a quarterly digital magazine of Redagrícola that informs in a specialized way about the intense activity that is being developed in the area of bioinputs for agricultural production. This publication is a complement to the Online Course of Biostimulants and Biocontrol and the Congress that this media group organizes around the subject.