With an eye on the Latin American agricultural market, the Spanish firm Seipasa has expanded its bio-inputs plant in Valencia. The company, a well known player in the growing agricultural bioinsecticide, bio-fungicide and bio-stimulant sector, increased its production facility by 2,000 square meters, seeking to meet the increasing demand in Latin America and the United States, as well as Spain.
“Nos capacita para seguir creciendo y liderar el mercado de protección biológica de cultivos”, dice Francisco Espinosa, director de I+D+i de Seipasa. “La nueva planta nos permite rearmarnos para respaldar la creciente demanda y avanzar en esa posición de liderazgo”.
This is the second plant expansion in only three years, the first being in 2018.
With this recent investment, the firm has installed state-of-the-art technology that ensures more efficient and sustainable operations. “The new plant expands our productivity and response capacity, but it also helps us improve by having a cleaner and more efficient manufacturing process” Espinosa says.
The new facility, where the Bioactive line launched in Spain last September is also being manufactured, incorporates technology that prevents the generation of wastewater and increases production quality and sustainability standards.
New fully robotic packaging systems have also been installed, optimizing the entire production process and the company’s customer service.
Founded in 1998, Seipasa is a Spanish company that specializes in the application of biotechnology in agriculture. It designs, registers and markets botanical and microbiological solutions for the protection, bio-stimulation and nutrition of crops worldwide.