Estadounidense FBSciences se suma a esfuerzo de industria de biológicos para influir en regulaciones para la industria

9 de May de 2023


US-based FBSciencies joins the lobby for agricultural biologics. The company based in Tennessee recently joined The Fertilizer Institute's (TFI) Biostimulants Council with a specific initial goal: to boost a newly created Task Force to advance the inclusion of agricultural biologics as powerful technologies and climate-smart products in federal policy and programs.

Based in Virginia, TFI is an association that represents the U.S. fertilizer industry before Congress and federal regulatory agencies to influence the definition of laws and regulations.

FBSciences, which has a major investment plan in Latin America, will work with other companies in the sector to expand the already compelling body of data on the plant, soil and climate benefits of agricultural biologics.

In its Climate Impact Report, the biologics company demonstrated how its products help mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The company's technology improves nitrogen use efficiency, reducing runoff and leading to a decrease in N2O emissions. In addition, it increases above-ground and below-ground biomass and root exudate production, resulting in healthier soils, with greater capacity to sequester carbon and capable of reducing CO2 emissions.

“Los productos biológicos agrícolas han sido ampliamente adoptados en todo el mundo como poderosas herramientas para mejorar la salud de las plantas y el suelo, gestionar el estrés abiótico y biótico relacionado con el clima, y ofrecer beneficios de rendimiento y rentabilidad a los agricultores”, señaló Courtenay Wolfe, presidenta y CEO de FBSciences.

“Sin embargo, las sólidas capacidades de mitigación climática de los productos biológicos agrícolas son menos conocidas. El Grupo de Trabajo TFI reunirá a los principales actores de la industria, proporcionando las últimas investigaciones, innovaciones y recomendaciones al USDA y a los responsables políticos para incorporar estas poderosas herramientas en las políticas y programas futuros”, agregó Wolfe.

El vicepresidente de asuntos gubernamentales del TFI, Ed Thomas, comentó que “a medida que nuestra industria busca herramientas y estrategias para hacer frente a la creciente presión normativa y a la demanda de una mayor sostenibilidad, los productos biológicos agrícolas proporcionan poderosas herramientas para la salud de las plantas, el suelo y el clima, al tiempo que satisfacen los crecientes requisitos de productividad”.

FBSciences will invite members of the TFI Biostimulants Council, as well as other interested industry members, to participate in the working group. The working group will work together on trials that demonstrate the benefits of agricultural biologicals, in addition to advising federal policy makers.


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Biologicals Latam is a quarterly digital magazine of Redagrícola that informs in a specialized way about the intense activity that is being developed in the area of bioinputs for agricultural production. This publication is a complement to the Online Course of Biostimulants and Biocontrol and the Congress that this media group organizes around the subject.