Through the use of bacteria:

Brazilian university startup advances in the development of biofuels for agroindustry

9 de May de 2023

The product could have a positive impact on the growth of the agricultural production system in northeastern Brazil.


The Brazilian startup of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), YBY Inovações Biotecnológicas is developing a new type of bioinput that operates through innovative technology. It is a kind of biological inoculant whose operation is based on plant growth-promoting bacteria that take place in northwestern Brazil.

The project, coordinated by Professor Cosme Martínez Salinas, from the Center for Exact and Natural Sciences (CCEN), offers technology consulting services and biological analysis services of soils and plant tissues for the implementation of low-emission organic systems.

“La investigación básica continúa de forma inseparable del estudio tecnológico con la colaboración de la UFPB. Hemos identificado las bacterias con mayor potencial para promover el crecimiento y minimizar los efectos del estrés hídrico en las variedades de caña de azúcar utilizadas en la región del noreste”, comentó el coordinador del YBY.

According to the projections made from the project, the results are expected to be promising. Therefore, there is already the intention to initiate a broader phase of field experiments for the evaluation of agricultural crops of the Brazilian state-owned agribusiness. This would be carried out in partnership with companies interested in new bioinputs for their production systems.

YBY's differentiating factor lies in the use of bacteria with multiple attributes that promote plant growth.

According to Martínez, the current context of agribusiness in Brazil is highly dependent on fertilizer imports. Therefore, the use of this type of microorganisms could play a strategic role, as they have an efficient capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize soil minerals and produce growth-stimulating plant hormones. This could considerably decrease the demand for fertilizers in agricultural crops, which would also fulfill an objective of strong socio-environmental impact.

The company was created in June 2020. Last December, the startup was one of three that signed an incubation contract with UFPB within the Inova-UFPB Technology-Based Business Incubation Program. The company also engages in market research, analysis of alternative technologies, contact with potential customers (end users, biofactories and investors) and participation in ecosystems in formation.

“La creación vino de la mano de la oportunidad, pues ya existía el interés por parte del equipo de la UFPB de avanzar con el trabajo académico al nivel tecnológico, que es el objetivo de este emprendimiento, dando retorno a la sociedad en forma de un producto y servicio innovador”, señaló el Prof. Cosme.


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Biologicals Latam is a quarterly digital magazine of Redagrícola that informs in a specialized way about the intense activity that is being developed in the area of bioinputs for agricultural production. This publication is a complement to the Online Course of Biostimulants and Biocontrol and the Congress that this media group organizes around the subject.