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Anasac strengthens portfolio of botanical solutions for the Chilean market

After signing distribution agreements with several global firms, the Chilean company Anasac, specialized in agricultural inputs, is preparing to launch new products in the Chilean market for its portfolio of biological solutions.

The company is preparing the entry into Chile of Venerate, a bioinsecticide that will be a contribution to pests that are difficult to control, such as grapevine moth and fruit tree capachito. Then it will add Stargus, a latest generation Bacillus biofungicide providing control over important diseases. Both products are developed by Marrone Bio Innovations, the producer of Grandevo. This is a bioinsecticide and bioacaricide for the control of a wide spectrum of insects and mites in vines, fruit trees, berries and vegetables, that Anasac commercialize since 2020.

The company also positively evaluates the entry into the market of Botector, a biofungicide for the control of Botrytis cinerea and other fungi, developed by Bio-ferm, an Austrian company that is part of SAN Agrow. 

Thanks to the agreement with SAN Agrow, Anasac will begin marketing Suppress, the first botanical herbicide in Chile, with a patented formula that provides safe and effective broad-spectrum weed control.  

Not only that. To complement its offer of 100% biological and zero waste products, Anasac will conclude an agreement in 2022 with Biopacific, a Chilean biotechnology company focused on the research of beneficial microorganisms, the development of clean solutions and the innovation of sustainable products. Anasac will be in charge of distributing the line of biocontrollers, products formulated based on bacteria and consortiums of beneficial fungi, Baciforte, Trichofruit and Trichoforte, recommended for the management of diseases in organic, conventional and/or minimal residue crops.


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Biologicals Latam es una revista digital de Redagrícola que informa de manera especializada sobre la intensa actividad que se está desarrollando en el espacio de los bioinsumos para la producción agrícola. Esta publicación es complemento del Curso Online de Bioestimulantes y Biocontrol y las conferencias que este grupo de medios realiza en torno al tema.