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PhD Maximino Manzanero, of Granada University

Video: Using extreme-tolerant microorganisms to safely protect crops from drought

Water scarcity is becoming more acute in many parts of the world due to climate change. Transferring to plants the drought and salt resistance capacity of highly resistant microorganisms to these stresses is one of the most promising mitigation options. The Spanish scientist Maximino Manzanero and his team from the University of Granada have achieved extraordinary advances in the matter from bacteria found in the aridity of the Tabernas desert and in the depths of the Mariana Trench. His discoveries in processes and products are now available through spin off company VitaNtech Biotechnology.

The content of these videos, based in Manzanero's presentation at the 1st Congress of Biostimulants Latam, is divided in six clips:

  1. The discovery of organisms resistant to extreme conditions
  2. Microorganisms that protect plants against drought and salinity
  3. Unraveling the protective mechanism of plants
  4. The defense strategy of the plant and the bacteria taking over
  5. Could using these bacteria cause unexpected harm?
  6. The transformation of Pseudomonas putida into a hydrobiont and conclusions

1. The discovery of organisms resistant to extreme conditions

The investigations of Maximino Manzanera and his team allowed them to find the Pseudomonas putida KT2440 bacteria, which, in combination with plants, is capable of bioremediating hydrocarbon contamination. However, for this to work, a seed without water must coincide -in order to avoid early germination- with the P. Putida’smarked sensitivity to desiccate. How is this problem solved?

2. Microorganisms that protect plants against drought and salinity

When inoculated into plants, microorganisms found in the Tabernas Desert and the Mariana Trench "transferred" their properties of resistance to drought and excess salts. Maximino Manzanera presents the results of these trials.

3. Unraveling the protective mechanism of plants

Having demonstrated the beneficial effect of microorganisms on crops, Manzanera and his team addressed a key question: How is this "transfer" of tolerance to stress explained? Next, we show you the path he followed to find the answer.

4. The defense strategy of the plant and the bacteria taking over

The response of plants to drought is complex and occurs at different levels. The description of these alterations helps to understand where the inoculated microorganisms intervene. Manzanera’s hypothesis: the bacterium takes control of the metabolism.

5. Could using these bacteria cause unexpected harm?

The risk of harm to other organisms in the environment or to human health as a result of the massive release of these bacteria was also analyzed by Dr. Manzanera's team. To do so, they developed the Human and Environmental Biosafety Index, EHSI. The researcher questions the taxonomic criteria currently applied in European legislation.

6. The transformation of Pseudomonas putida into a hydrobiont and conclusions

The researchers solved the challenge of generating a P. Putida’s capable of tolerating drought and combining it with the use of seeds. Maximino Manzanera summarizes the conclusions of his scientific saga to date.


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Biologicals Latam es una revista digital de Redagrícola que informa de manera especializada sobre la intensa actividad que se está desarrollando en el espacio de los bioinsumos para la producción agrícola. Esta publicación es complemento del Curso Online de Bioestimulantes y Biocontrol y las conferencias que este grupo de medios realiza en torno al tema.