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Dr. Patrick Brown Kicks Off Redagricola's Series On Biostimulants And Biocontrol That Will Run Throughout 2022

How to measure and be more efficient in the use of nutrients when using biostimulants. 

This is the opening theme of the Biostimulants Series that Redagricola will present throughout 2022. There will be online sessions in which participants can dedicate one day per month to delve into the technical aspects of biological inputs and new tools in agriculture. In addition, they will be in contact with some of the most internationally renowned professionals and researchers in this field that is changing traditional agronomic management and betting on more sustainable and productive strategies. 

The first of these series will take place on April 28 and will be led by Patrick Brown, the distinguished professor and researcher of the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of California in Davis. 

Brown's research has focused on nutrient function and transportation in plants and nutrient management in agricultural ecosystems. His contributions to the agricultural industry include identifying nickel as an essential element for plants, understanding boron function, uptake, and transportation in plants, identifying plant’s mechanisms of tolerance to heavy metals, and the mechanisms of action of foliar fertilizers. 

The renowned scholar has also served as chair and member of the executive committee at the International Colloquium on Plant Nutrition and has held numerous leadership positions at the University of California, Davis, as well as on various national and international committees and panels.

The sessions will be in English, Spanish and Portuguese and will air on the Redagrícola seminar and conference platform, allowing interaction with the presenters as well as other participants. The Redagrícola series will have the following themes:  


  • April 28: Biostimulants & Efficiency in the Use of Nutrients.
  • May 26: New developments in biocontrol (bioprotection) based on microorganisms (bioinsecticides, biofungicides).
  • June 30: Biostimulants made from microorganisms.
  • July 21: Living Soil: biostimulants and bioprotection in soil.
  • August 25: Strategies in the use of biostimulants against abiotic stress conditions.
  • October 27: Bioprotection: natural extracts and pheromones.


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Biologicals Latam es una revista digital de Redagrícola que informa de manera especializada sobre la intensa actividad que se está desarrollando en el espacio de los bioinsumos para la producción agrícola. Esta publicación es complemento del Curso Online de Bioestimulantes y Biocontrol y las conferencias que este grupo de medios realiza en torno al tema.