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Dutch company Koppert invests US$ 10 million in Brazil to expand its biologics plant

In order to increase its production of biologics in Brazil, the Dutch company Koppert signed a financial agreement with its compatriot financial group Rabobank for a total of 47 million reais, an amount close to US$ 10 million. 

The purpose of the operation is to increase Koppert's production capacity in the small São Paulo city of Charqueada, where it concentrates its production of macrobiological products for agriculture. 

For this purpose, a loan of 7 million reais and an additional agreement for 40 million reais for working capital and other investments were signed.   

The investments would not stop there. The firm announced after a meeting with the authorities of the municipality of Charqueada at the end of 2021 that it plans an investment of R$150 million in the coming years, which would create some 150 direct jobs. 


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Biologicals Latam es una revista digital de Redagrícola que informa de manera especializada sobre la intensa actividad que se está desarrollando en el espacio de los bioinsumos para la producción agrícola. Esta publicación es complemento del Curso Online de Bioestimulantes y Biocontrol y las conferencias que este grupo de medios realiza en torno al tema.