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Managing Partner at DunhamTrimmer:

Manel Cervera and Latin America's key role in the biostimulants market

The region has been key in the growth of these solutions in extensive non-leguminous crops, and that will be the big driver of the acceleration they will have in the coming years, says Duhnamm Trimmer's managing partner in a talk in preparation for the September 28-29, 2022, Biostimulants Conference.

The microbial biostimulants market will double in size in five years. This is the fastest growing segment in biostimulants and one of the most dynamic among all bioinputs targeting the agricultural sector. An explosive trend in which Latin America plays a leading role.

This is according to Manel Cervera, market researcher specialized in biological products. In a presentation with Redagrícola, the executive points out that in 2021, biostimulant products based on microbial action totaled a global market of US $1.3 billion. However, he says that between 2022 and 2027 it will average growth of 14.6% per year, which will allow it to reach US $3 billion by that year. The total for biofertilizers will reach US$7.5 billion.

Cervera is managing partner at DunhammTrimmer, one of the most relevant firms in market research in the bioinputs sector. A Spanish national, Cervera participated in one of the preparation series for the 2nd Congress of Biostimulants and Biocontrol Latam, which Redagrícola will hold on September 28 and 29 at the Westin Hotel in Lima, Peru.

Ahead of this great event, Cervera was one of the participants in the Biostimulants and Biocontrol series that Redagrícola has been conducting during the year. Some of the world and Latin American references in the area of bioinputs have participated in these online events, such as the American Dr. Patrick Brown, the Belgian Dr. Patrick du Jardin, the German Dr. Nicolaus von Wirén, the American Dr. Denise Manker, the Colombian Dr. Alba Marina Cotes and the Brazilian Wagner Bettiol. Many of them will be part of the two-day program to be held in Lima next September.

In his presentation, Cervera says that there are several growth cores that have been determinant for the development of biostimulants. One of the first and most relevant, says Cervera, has been that of nitrogen fixers for different leguminous crops. This has been a key factor since 1800 and very relevant in the 20th century, and now contributes with a 4-5% annual growth. However, for the present and future there are other sources of growth, according to the Spaniard. "A more powerful driver in the last 20 years has been the soybean crop; it has taken over from legumes," he says. "Going forward it will continue to be a major driver globally, at 8-9% per year." This is mainly because of Brazil and Russia.

"Latin America has been the leader in a serious development of this segment with Azospirillum in corn, in wheat, and with Brazil and Argentina as great examples of very serious work and good research"

Another major growth driver, which will be the future growth driver and the cause of this great acceleration, "is the emergence of nitrogen fixers for non-leguminous species in field crops". In this, he adds, "Latin America has been the leader in a serious development of this segment with Azospirillum in corn, in wheat, and with Brazil and Argentina as great examples of very serious work and good research"

Another trend highlighted by the Spaniard is the emergence of new companies, especially in the United States, with new microbial specialties, including new business models, which are changing everything that is happening in this field.


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Biologicals Latam es una revista digital de Redagrícola que informa de manera especializada sobre la intensa actividad que se está desarrollando en el espacio de los bioinsumos para la producción agrícola. Esta publicación es complemento del Curso Online de Bioestimulantes y Biocontrol y las conferencias que este grupo de medios realiza en torno al tema.