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Mustard-derived biopesticide could be the solution for difficult-to-control pests

Two Canadian companies have announced a marketing and distribution agreement for a mustard-derived product. The product is TerraMG, a soil biopesticide designed to combat clubroot and Aphanomyces in canola and legumes, respectively. 

NexusBioAg, a subdivision of Univar Solutions and a provider of crop nutritional solutions, and MustGrow Biologics Corp, an agricultural biotechnology company, will have an exclusive agreement to market TerraMG, which is not yet registered with the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency. 

In 2021, both companies initiated a field research program to develop MustGrow's sustainable agriculture technology in Canadian canola and pulse crops. This technology has the potential to address the agronomic challenges posed by clubroot and Aphanomyces for these crops and, based on previous data, the companies will move to the next phase of the development process. 

Plasmodiophora brassicae is a root-infecting pathogen that causes clubroot disease in Brassica species such as canola. In this crop it causes hypertrophy and hyperplasia that can eventually cause premature death of the plant. Currently its control is difficult because there are no effective fungicides for its management, so TerraMG could be the solution. 

As for root rot of peas, it is a disease caused by the fungus Aphanomyces euteiches, which can be devastating to these crops. Like clubroot, it lives in the soil and symptoms are rarely seen above the soil line unless conditions are very wet or infection is severe. Management is based on prevention and crop rotation has proven to be the most effective measure. 

“TerraMG complementa la cartera de NexusBioAg y estamos encantados de añadir esta tecnología a nuestra creciente oferta de productos. Como único distribuidor de TerraMG en Canadá para su uso en cultivos de canola y legumbres, este acuerdo refuerza aún más el compromiso de NexusBioAg de colaborar con los principales fabricantes para lanzar soluciones innovadoras, sostenibles y de vanguardia que aporten valor a la industria agrícola canadiense y beneficien a sus productores”, dijo Matthew Ottaway, vicepresidente senior de soluciones globales para el consumidor de Univar Solutions. 

Por su parte, el director de operaciones de MustGrow, Colin Bletsky, señaló que “estamos muy contentos de asociarnos con una organización como NexusBioAg. La experiencia técnica y comercial de su equipo no tiene comparación y será ventajosa para acelerar el desarrollo y el crecimiento de TerraMG para su uso en los cultivos canadienses de canola y legumbres. El equipo de NexusBioAg tiene un enorme conocimiento del mercado agrícola canadiense, así como de las soluciones de agricultura sostenible. Esperamos comercializar juntos esta tecnología de bioplaguicidas en el mercado canadiense”. 

NexusBioAg, based in Saskatoon, Canada, is a division of chemical manufacturer Univar Solutions. It has positioned itself as one of the leading innovators in the country's agricultural market, offering a wide range of crop nutrition solutions, including inoculants, micronutrients, nitrogen stabilizers and foliar products, all focused on sustainability and regenerative agriculture. 

Meanwhile, MustGrow, headquartered in the same city, is an agricultural biotechnology company specializing in biological solutions to replace synthetic chemicals used in high-value crops such as fruits, vegetables and other industries. The announcement of this agreement further diversifies and expands NexusBioAg's broad portfolio of inoculants, micronutrients, nitrogen stabilizers and foliars for the Canadian market.


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Biologicals Latam es una revista digital de Redagrícola que informa de manera especializada sobre la intensa actividad que se está desarrollando en el espacio de los bioinsumos para la producción agrícola. Esta publicación es complemento del Curso Online de Bioestimulantes y Biocontrol y las conferencias que este grupo de medios realiza en torno al tema.